Garden Design
for residential & public display gardens
My career as a Nature Illustrator began as a child when my grandfather began teaching me about landscape design. Our home was located in and on the edge of a former arboretum so with my grandfather's keen interest in hardscaping, shrubs, trees, roses and perennials, it was a beautiful place to grow up. The back yard included rose arbors, a "garden room" designed with a grape arbor, sunken gardens and magnificent pots of flowers and herbs on stone walkways and steps. To this day I hear his voice as I design. But to support this, I am a Certified Master Gardener through Univ. of Vermont, recognized as such by Univ of NH Master Gardener program. I studied Residential Design through Cornell, and additional studies specializing in herbaceous perennials from Univ. of Vermont. I am not a Landscape Architect, nor am I trained to design underground electric or water systems. I just use plants and color to "paint" landscapes! Some samples of my work are below.

All artwork Copyright Susan A. Berry 2024
All Rights Reserved.